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Peace is the true power

The Blog and Podcast of Kacper Maciej Postawski

In this second installment of this life-changing series on trauma and self-sabotage we dive deep to understand how trauma works in the body, how it is the origin of nearly all disease and self sabotage, and the really good news on what's possible with healing. You'll learn:

  • How and why trauma get's stuck in your body and what's behind the reason why you can't heal and why the same patterns seem to repeat in your life over and over again.

  • How holding unprocessed trauma in your body makes you more easily programmable, modern day mind control exposed.

  • The most overlooked type of trauma in your life and how massive of an impact it has on every part of your life (your health, relationships, finances)

  • Why your brain has created wrong conclusions about you and your self worth as a child.

  • Why unprocessed emotional trauma keeps you from thriving and receiving prosperity in life.

  • Why the modern day healing system is broken and completely overlooks trauma healing.

  • The most important thing to do to start on the healing journey from trauma and self sabotage.



PS. If you missed part 1, watch it here.

What does it take to actually release and heal the deepest darkest wounds that contribute to disease and self-sabotage? This has been the focus of my life for nearly 6 years and in this multi-part video series, I share with you everything I've learned on this journey. Enjoy!

PS. If you missed the short article I recently wrote titled "Trauma: A Loop Stuck in Time Inside Your Body" it's really worth reading for an introduction and overview into the topic.

I truly believe that what the world needs most right now is people standing in their power, listening to their hearts, and following their inner calling within to offer their unique gifts to usher in the new earth.

But this is easier said than done, and even though I’ve made it my life mission to listen to my heart I’ve personally had enormous challenges in this area and continue to do so as I grow and learn more in this life.

Each one of us carries our own unique “trauma signature” which consists of all the deepest darkest wounds we’ve accumulated in our own personal lives or inherited from our ancestors. (Yes trauma is passed down cellularly.)

Unprocessed trauma is what limits you the most.

This trauma signature acts as an energetic field within you that literally acts as a reality perception lifter which alters your way of seeing reality on a conscious and subconscious level, your mind does this to continue to protect you from danger and keep you safe.

A deep part of you is continuously in the fight, flight, or freeze response.

Trauma is like an energetic loop stuck in time, you may have experienced the original pain decades ago, but if it’s unresolved, the energetic imprint is just as active in your body as if it happened yesterday and your own body is trying to protect you from it.

This energetic loop attracts the same types of people and events into our lives over and over again that will trigger those same original feelings and similar events. Why this happens is a bigger topic for another article or video but the important thing is to become aware of it and that it’s happening first.

The most important thing to understand is that it is an energetic loop stuck in time inside your body.

As “flight”… trauma manifest as a feeling your body is trying to avoid at all costs…

You may want to act on your passion, start a business, open your heart to a new relationship or finally take action on improving your health but your subconscious might be screaming “No, this is not safe… I am not safe right now. I don’t want to be seen, they might hurt me again, I don’t want to make mom / dad / teacher angry, I don’t want to feel the guilt, pain, or shame, better just stay small and bury this emotion forever.”

As “fight” it manifest as a constant background tension, anxiety, and stress that varies in intensity in your life, making you hyper aware of danger, everything that could go wrong, and wreaking havoc in your relationships.

As “freeze” it manifests as depression, overwhelm, chronic fatigue.

As it accumulates, the stored energetic tension trickles down via the mind-body connection into your body causing a cocktail of harmful stress-inducing chemicals such as epinephrine, cortisol, and norepinephrinenorepinephrine thatthat lower your immune system and manifest disease in the body. When you release the energy, the body naturally comes into balance and heals itself.

Unprocessed stored emotional trauma literally skews and alters your perception of reality, which is why you can chant positive affirmations or visualize the perfect life t’ll the cows come home, if trauma is still looping in your body, it will act out the energetic imprint in whatever direction you go.

All self-sabotage is, is actually your own body trying to save you from imaginary pain.

This is why until you begin to address trauma, stepping into your power is immensely difficut, because a part of you is resisting moving forward as if it meant certain death.

It’s like consulting a hurt 5-year-old inside you about every major decision you make:

You: “Should I do this new awesome thing?”

Child: “No that time dad got angry and hurt me was painful, I don’t want that.”

It makes no sense consciously, but to do the wounded you, it does, and it happens unconsciously so we don’t even know this is going on, we just see the effects of it in our lives…

Procrastination, delays, self-sabotage, pain in relationships, and unfinished projects.

Even if you will yourself past all the emotional blocks and patterns, they all re-surface one way or another, it’s like trying to mix oil and water.

Even if you succeed you’re still just a hurt child holding onto the armour of your achievement or identity for protection, this stuff is deep.

It will loop back on you in your life in one way or another, but instead of resisting it, the key is to meet it with love and compassion and be immensely kind to yourself.

Living with unprocessed trauma in your body is like having a constant lid on top of you closing you off from receiving the wholeness of the incredible divine nature and energy of who you are.

So how do you deal with it? What is the first step?

The first step is awareness, to actually become trauma aware and that this is a “thing”, for years every time I heard “traumatized” I thought this was only something reserved for army veterans who had seen combat.

Wnally realized I had trauma and PTSD myself, and that is extremely common, that’s when the lights started to come on.

So what’s active in you emotionally right now?

Frustration, Anxiety, Guilt? Shame? Does this feel familiar?

What is your “groundhog day” event? The thing that you’re dealing with over and over again that seems to come up in your life, your work, finances, and relationships over and over again?

If you take the leap to do the thing your heart is asking for, what are you afraid might happen?

Here’s my favorite question:

What if you actually got what you wanted, why are you afraid for that to happen? What’s scary about that?

I would love to hear from you, if you want to share please write to me here and share with me your answers and what you’d like help with around your healing process with emotional trauma.

Thank you, I’m putting together a whole set of videos and articles to help people in this area and when I hear from you I will be able to address that directly.

I’m currently fully dedicating my work now to assisting people with entering the heart and healing their deepest traumas and blocks as this has been my personal work for years now - it’s also where I have truly seen the biggest miracles and healing in my own life and the lives of others.

I truly believe that everything we are experiencing globally right now at this time on our planet is because we are finally ready to see our deepest darkest wounds, let them come to the surface, let them be felt and transmuted and heal personally and collectively.

More to come soon,


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