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In the movie "the Matrix" there is a scene that seldom gets a deeper look.

It's towards the end after Neo dies and comes back to life, when all the agents start firing bullets at him.

With a relaxed and neutral gaze, Neo raises his hand and calmly says "No."

Time stops, the bullets too, and soon they all fall to the ground.

However, few understand what is happening in this scene.

Neo isn't saying "No" to the bullets.

He's saying "No" to his programming.

He realizes it's all within himself, and in one moment he re-writes the script from within his own mind and nervous system.

In that moment he stops believing in the signals of his own nervous system at face value and tunes into a higher reality, and consciousness bends around his decision.

If you're interested in the path of the authentic human being.

If you want to heal and break out of of whatever is holding you back.

If you want to do what you were born to do and have the life you have always dreamed of...

I submit to you the fact that you also have the same superpower inside.

I can't promise you you'll dodge bullets, but miracles will unfold if you take this to heart.

It's all done through the nervous system.

The human nervous system is the gateway to the miraculous.

It can also be the gateway to your own personal hell.

It can be your best friend, assist you in healing, creating and receiving abundance, and take you places you've never dreamed possible.

...and if you don't understand how to use it, it will be your prison, taking you in loops year after year, and the main reason why you may want to put a bullet in your head.

To put things into perspective... (pic below) .... just think, there are currently 8 billion of these running around on the planet...

...and they're creating babies, fighting wars, living out love stories, printing Pokemon cards, drinking Coca-Cola, and a whole lot more.

If you master this tool, learn to navigate its signals, and learn to deeply listen, a whole new dimension of life opens up.

The nervous system isn't just a bunch of nerve endings and wires interconnecting your brain to your organs.

It's much more than that.

It's a space suit, an energetic network that's the main connection between your timeless self and this temporal reality.

It has an energetic counterpart beyond the 3D.

It's what is responsible for receiving the sense perceptions around you, and then ultimately de-coding them into the reality that you experience.

You do not just experience reality as it is.

You filter it, interpret it, and then experience the interpretation.

How that interpretation is generated is governed by how your nervous system is conditioned and programmed.

If you want to imprison and manipulate the masses, you must program the nervous system.

Our lack of understanding and training of our nervous system is what makes the slave-control-grid programming possible.

You cannot control people who have mastered the use of their nervous system... I'll explain why further below.

The nervous system is capable of pulling in energies that radiate life, and wellness, and at a higher level even perform "miracles."

I see it every week with my clients, we re-calibrate the nervous system through the heart, and profound healings take place rapidly, sometimes life-long traumas being healed in minutes.

Alignment happens, people start being their normal selves, ease of life propagates, illnesses reverse, wellness and abundance move in.

And it's all much easier and simpler than you would imagine.

I'm not "doing" anything in those sessions, it's just the nervous system coming back into alignment with a higher truth.

How did Jesus heal the blind?

How are certain yogis capable of manually stopping their heart and meditating for hours without a heartbeat and coming back to life?

How do Tibetan lamas meditate in the snow without freezing?

How does Wim Hof get injected with a virus voluntarily and demonstrate that he can turn his immune system off and on at will?

Whether it's channeling divine will, regulating human metabolism, or growing cancer cells, it all begins in the nervous system.

Why is your bank account where it's at?

Why are your patterns and/or addictions the way they are?

Why is your health the way it is?

Show me your patterns of perception and I'll show you your life.

Those patterns live in your nervous system.

If you want to be free.

If you want to be who you really are.

If you want to do what you were born to do and have the authentic life you've always dreamed of...

The key is in mastering your nervous system and opening it to the miraculous.

Nothing in my life really moved until I devoted myself to this practice.

The problem is this: we are like babies on this planet, we have no idea how to operate this incredible inter-dimensional space suit that we inhabit.

It's akin to sitting in a Ferrari and only knowing how to use 1st gear.

No one ever teaches you how to tap into the unfathomable power you have inside.

...Nobody ever sits you down as a kid and says:

• "Hey my child, you are an infinite being in a finite body wired up with a mammalian nervous system.

• Your DNA has been spliced with higher dimensional functions as well...

• This nervous system is capable of interfacing with cosmic intelligence, here's how you do it, do A, B, and C and awesome things will happen."


My dad took me for pizza instead, that was it.

Took me a lifetime to figure this out.

Here's how it works:

It all starts with this one premise:

There is a natural primordial state.

In this natural state, we thrive.

It's deep in the firmware, deeper than any conditioning or even the slave programming talked about in the earlier edition.

In this thriving state, your body heals itself, you naturally express your gifts, strengths, and talents and experience your value in the world.

Life is not supposed to be difficult and full of suffering.

A billion Buddhists, Catholics and most of Ireland will likely disagree, but I continue...

It's supposed to be amazing.

Notice my choice of words: "supposed"

I'm not throwing around "supposed" willy-nilly.

What I've found through my experience and research is that the human nervous system is hard-wired for our natural primordial state, let's call it, Your Truth.

Reality is way different than what we've been conditioned.

Take a deep breath here.

• You are infinitely sourced and taken care of.

• We are one being.

• You are whole, sourced, well, and connected, everything is provided for already.

• You are sourced from within, your authority is within.

• You live in a friendly Universe.

Your body knows this.

Your body is constantly trying to come back to that Truth.

Your body can sense even a subtle distortion away from your Truth.

• When you buy into a lie (a false program that is not in alignment with your Truth), the body registers this as a disturbance to signal that something is off.

• That signal will appear in your body as a contraction, anxiety, a heightened pulse.

• This is your body's way of signaling a lie is present in the system.

Nobody ever teaches you how to listen for that signal or what to do with it, so we put a blanket word on it called FEAR.

Over time, you identify with this fear, you think it's part of you.

The truth is, it's not even an emotion, it is a neural state, a naturally occurring mechanism in the nervous system responding to a program.

The program is not hard-wired, it can be transmuted.

What do you think would have happened in the above Matrix scene if Neo decided to run from the bullets?

He would enforce the reality that the bullets are real, and they would be, but he was beyond that, he realized he wasn't even real himself in the simulation, he himself was just a signal.

Here's what's really going on...

For example, if you feel afraid you'll run out of money.

It's not that you feel afraid that you'll run out of money.

It's the deeply implanted idea that you are not already infinitely supported and sourced that is causing the "fear."

If you feel afraid your lover will leave you and that you'll be alone...'s the idea that you are separate from another being that creates the anxiety.

If you see red-blue flashing lights in your rear-view mirror and feel tension, it's the idea that your authority is outside of you that creates the anxiety.

It's extremely subtle, and this is where the deep healing and life-changing transformations take place.

These programs run deep.

We don't normally see this.

We interpret the signal as truth and respond to that signal, this happens in a micro-second.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not suggesting you go running into rattle-snakes, or have people fire bullets at you in an attempt to reach the miraculous.

Some fear is good, it's part of the mammalian temporal reality, rattle-snake = danger.

The problem is when the so-called "fear" becomes central to everything we operate from - this is the programming.

Most of everything people do is fear-driven in an attempt to respond to the distortion program, not an authentic inspired action arising from deep safety and connectedness to the source.

To illustrate this better, if I tell you that there is a monster under your bed, you have two options.

A. Look under the bed and laugh.

B. Take me seriously, freak out, run, and call your friend to bring the shotgun.

Choice A means we get to chill, have a laugh, and watch a movie.

B means we're now engaged in energetically re-enforcing a perceptual lie.

Reality will agree with us no matter whether we choose A or B.

This is happening in your nervous system a thousand times each day.

This is happening to humanity at scale, we are all engaged in entertaining perceptual lies deeply engrained in our programming.

Reality agrees with us without fail.

The programming has you choose B every time.

This is the foundation of how the entire mass slave-matrix programming on Earth functions. This exact thing I am articulating.

This is what makes mind control possible at a deep level.

We are wired up to misinterpret the body's natural truth-seeking mechanism as a rattle-snake, when in fact it's trying to call you home.

Look at the world during 2020 through this lens, follow the cookie trail and you'll come to some interesting conclusions.

So what is the solution?

First, stop calling your fear "fear".

Call it a "sensation."

Breathe deep into that sensation when it arises.

As Neo did, stop time for a moment, breathe into that very moment, and get extremely curious about what's going on.

Put your hand on your heart.

Putting your hand on your heart activates the millions of neuron-receptor sites around the heart, your heart is a transmuter and has a brain of its own.

There are more connections from your heart to your brain than vice versa.

Next, invite the sensation fully, and let it know it's okay for it to be in your body.

Fully experience the fear, go head first into the torpedo.

This alone will lead you to experience something few people do on this planet.

You'll begin to experience your body's transmutation faculties come online.

In that very moment, you stop believing the interpretation your nervous system is firing off at face value.

You do what Neo did, you start to question the program.

Questions are the next phase.

Out loud with your hand on your heart ask...

What reality am I buying into right now?

What if this didn't have to be true for me any longer?

What if the truth is that... I am actually whole, sourced, and connected.

What else is possible?

Breathe deep.

Ask again.

What else is possible for me?

You are not looking for answers to the questions, the questions themselves are an energetic match for the answers which will come later.

Doing this alone will jostle the program, it cannot survive your presence, love, compassion, and questions.

Even if you shift energetically just 2%, it's enough for massive changes to occur in your 3D reality.

Because small quantum shifts in the programming equal massive shifts in the 3D.

This is how you open the nervous system to the miraculous.

Bit by bit.

If you take this to heart and use it daily, small but profound shifts will begin in your life.

I've used this even to write this article.

I started writing it, and encountered a massive contraction days in.

The false programming kicked in, I doubled down on spending hours writing it, got stressed.

Then I realized I was writing this for myself as well.

I realized I was buying into a program that I had to be productive and get something published on time.

The Prussian school system indoctrination habits of Canada die hard.

I went for a walk instead, had fun with friends and clients this week.

Then in a flash of inspiration that scene with Neo came to me.

And the rest flowed out like butter, and it was better than anything I could have "efforted" my way through.

Life is not supposed to be a struggle.

There is a natural state.

It's supposed to be wonderful, and amazing.

The more you do this the more you tune your body in with this state, the more you radiate life, your cells respond with powerful bio-chemical consequences that release life-supporting hormones.

That's how you heal cancer, illness, and everything that ails the body.

If you don't believe me watch this interview with my friend and client Thomas who does this for a living with people with cancer and naturally assists people in healing rapidly.

It's all in the mind-body complex.

We've been programmed to not see this.

That time is ending.

It's an exciting time.

Join me.

More to come soon.


As a child, I would intuitively stare right into the center of the Sun during the sunset hours and feel a thumping activation in my heart telling me something I couldn't articulate...

...I just knew that something was "off" about the reality that was being presented for me.

"Keep your head down, pass the test, do what you're told, do the 9-5, pay your taxes, suffer, go to college, buy a house, save for retirement, plan for death, die." - Your programming

I just didn't buy it.

"Isn't there more to this?"

"Isn't this supposed to be wonderful?"

"Isn't this supposed to feel alive, magical, playful, easeful, and filled with wonder?"

This voice deep down inside said, "There is another way to live that is more natural, intrinsically whole, easier, healthier, powerful, free, and cosmically connected."

Deep down inside I sensed a primordial way of being was available to me and everyone else...

...yet for some odd reason, I couldn't access it, as if it was locked in my bones behind a vault.

I felt as if it was programmed out of us, at the very least I knew it was programmed out of me.

I craved the path of the authentic human being.

I had no idea what it was, but I knew I wanted it above everything else.

As my life progressed, this became my only central point of focus in all aspects of life.

Call it a divine obsession.

In the beginning, it looked more like a rebellion.

My rebellion was against teachers, society, collective conditioning, the government, and authority.

So I moved out to nature in the Andean mountains of South America, I dated only hippie women, I built businesses that shared disruptive technologies with the world. I surrounded myself with people who like me questioned the bedrock of reality on a daily occasion.

It was an awesome upgrade.

However, as my spiritual awakening unraveled, something deeper grabbed me.

Even though I had changed my scenery and was living life outside of the box, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was still in a cage of my own making.

Something just didn't feel right.

It felt as if there was a lid on top of me holding me back, an invisible parking break, an internal governor that said "You can only be this awesome, beyond this red line, we're reeling you back in."

It was as if there was an invisible hand emerging from the depths of me to pull me back down to a manageable baseline...

Like that annoying teacher that yells at you and tells you to not climb the tree just as you and your friend start to have fun...

...except it's somehow inside of you.

Maybe you know the feeling.

There was something massive in me that wanted to be free.

I didn't know much, but I knew I was willing to do whatever it took to punch through the mask of my ego and come back to it, to find it within my own DNA and unlock it.

Gradually, my rebellion turned inwards.

I began to rebel against my own ignorance.

I got "scientific" about it.

I put myself on the operating table and asked spirit to guide me...

...and guide me it did.

Life got wild.

I went for days without food or water, broke through belief systems, and didn't die.

I started to heal my own traumas and understand how the nervous system actually worked.

I got curious about the suppression of sexual energy, tantra, and started to liberate myself from deep religious and ancestral conditioning.

I went through a deep Bufo initiation in Peru that led me to face my own death 100s of times and learned things about the nature of reality that I can't begin to verbalize.

I let go of all sense, logic and pursued my wildest callings even if I had an empty bank account... somehow money just followed me no matter what I did.... interesting.

I spent a couple of years studying the work of absolute masters in the field of transmutation...

The human heart and the body is much more than we think.

It's real powers lie dormant inside of us, and what I learned unlocked a completely new energy in my life.

...that's when the internal governor really began to shake loose.

I moved through lifetimes of layers of fear-based conditioning and trauma in a relatively short time.

The colors in life began to turn on.

I started to move in a new way, more fearlessly than before.

This was... different... and it took a while to integrate.

All my previous motivations and aspirations melted away and slowly a new guiding force began to emerge.

In this process, I discovered that the human heart, and the body, is a transmuter of energy.

Meaning, your heart can receive a distorted energy field, and turn it into a coherent energy field. (Watch my short film called "Metamorphosis" for a better intro to this)

I discovered that there is a natural primordial state, your body is designed for it.

Let's call it "thriving", in this state the body and mind will automatically heal itself from any disease and open to a coherent flow of energy:

"[Thriving] is living in full vitality when your body heals itself and you are supported in a fulfilled, enriching life. You express your natural gifts, strengths, and talents and experience your value in the world. There is harmony and purpose in your life, your relationships, and your work. This is your Truth." -- Dr. Kim D'Eramo, author MindBody Toolkit & Be Your Own Healer.

The body is always trying to return to this state.

I learned how to transmute deep levels of fear, return to this state, attune the body and consciousness to it, and I began assisting others with this skill.

The results in my own life and with others have been unbelievable.

Entire life-long traumas are sometimes healed in minutes.

Massive programs of limitation, fear and scarcity uplifted, health conditions rapidly reversed.

And... as I went deeper... I began to see that my childhood intuitions were eerily accurate.

One might ask, if there is this natural thriving state, what keeps us from it?

Answer: Programming.

The programs of disconnection, lack, scarcity, fear, self suppression, obedience, dominance, and control are literally that: "programs".

My esoteric research of Sylvie Olivier's work me to learn they actually sit at the base of the skull (image below) and alter your biochemistry and perception of reality.

I didn't believe it at first, but as my work with others unfolded as soon as I assisted someone in transmuting deep limiting programs two things often happened.

1. People sometimes feel heat and vibration in their body and head, I had people hold the base of their skull saying they feel movement and pressure there as energy moves..

2. People's lives shift in massive ways, abundance flows in, ease of life propagates, the body heals itself, and self-actualization accelerates.

So I actually looked into the brain, and lo and behold.

That part of the brain is actually housing the occipital lobe, with close proximity to the cerebellum and brainstem.

It is the part of the brain that is responsible for de-coding your sense perception and projecting your 3D reality and how you move in it.

If there was a perfect place to house a governor for someone's reality, that would be it.

The dots began to connect, I knew I was onto something.

...but if we are full of self-limiting programs, one begs to ask the question: "Who put them there?"

Are our limiting programs simply the result of trauma and developmental environment, or is there more to this puzzle?

Buckle your seatbelts.

The Sumerian tablets are the oldest written text in the world.

I've always heard of them but never bothered to do the research.

Until I did, and my jaw dropped open.

They tell a tale of humanity that not many are ready to hear, chronologically depicting historical events on our planet as far back as 432,000 years ago.

Let that sink in.

When people started translating them, the translations quickly began to disappear, translators were sworn to secrecy for years and the translations (and tablets) were compartmentalized (and still are to this day)

The information inside them upsets too many apple-carts.

Recently, the translations are slowly coming out.

The point I found particularly interesting was how they literally word for word spell out how almost half a million years ago extra-terrestrial humanoid giants from different points of our galaxy came down to earth to mine gold and mixed their DNA with an early form of being on this planet to create a slave race to assist them: homo-sapiens (aka: us.)

It's all in there, if you don't believe me start doing your research, this will blow your mind.

They spell everything out, A to Z:

  • Including how these ancient rulers "sun gods" lived for thousands of years, and augmented their DNA to create what we know as human beings.

  • How this ancient civilization had access to space-faring technology, and built space-ports on Earth, and even Mars.

  • How the first human beings were lab-engineered and housed in an enclosure called "Eden."

  • How they created the "religions" (aka: programs) we have today to control humanity and instill obedience, and how our DNA was altered to shorten our life spans.

We know today that 98% of our DNA is dormant. (aka: Junk DNA)

This isn't by accident.

  • The tablets depict how humanity has been programmed since inception to "serve the gods" in fear of punishment if they do not obey.

  • They tell the tale of how the great flood was geo-engineered 50,000 - 75,000 years ago...

  • How humanity evolved and who built the monolithic structures on our planet and why.

Why am I sharing all of this?

Well, first, I'm willing to bet it sure as hell has just made your Sunday morning more interesting.

Secondly, as I sit here today, looking back through all my research, my life experience, and my work with individuals, I have come to some inescapable conclusions.

1. Human beings have been programmed for slavery for millennia, our consciousness has been suppressed.

2. A powerful and vastly intelligent and hyper-advanced civilization existed on Earth long before our recorded history.

3. We are on the tipping point of a massive collective shift in consciousness on our planet. We are waking up out of a collective amnesia, and you won't see it on the news.

For the purpose of this article, I'm going to hone in on 1 and 3.

We have been mental slaves for millennia, it's all we know.

The prison (the control system) is within your own mind-body matrix, and it's masterful in its design.

It's designed to get you to obey, to externalize your power, willfully give it away, and create structures that support your disempowerment.

Why create a prison to control people when you can simply imprint a program and get people to imprison themselves?

Why put people in chains when you can have people willfully obey and replicate obedience in their offspring?

If you forgive me for quoting myself from an earlier article ("The Giant Must Wake Up")

"[it is a] brilliant control mechanism that turns even the strongest hero into a willing slave in a prison in which he is the inmate, the key holder, the prison cell, the guard and the prosecutor."

At its foundation, the program is designed around one central fulcrum.

  • To get human beings to externalize authority and project their connection to source outwardly, thus giving your power away, to the point that you will actually willfully enforce your right and duty to do so.

(If you want a life-changing mind-bending book that depicts this core programming in its totality read "The Most Dangerous Superstition" by Larkin Rose, it is a book that will alter your view of reality like nothing else.)

Once you see it, you can't un-see it.

When you look outwards in your own life and in the world, the evidence for this prison is everywhere. our families, communities, health care system, our financial institutions, our education systems.

If we point fingers we can easily blame "human stupidity", "demons and entities", "satan", "the government", the "deep state", the "the cabal", or maybe (more probably now) even aliens.

...but the truth, as I see it, is that it's literally inside of us.

WE have been creating it.

WE have been doing it to ourselves.

WE have been outwardly self-replicating the only thing that we know: separation, subjugation, and slavery.

...and everything that comes with it... scarcity, lack, fear, disease, disconnection, closure, division and war.

We have been programmed in ways to distort our natural state

Our consciousness has been suppressed.

And that's just the base program.

On top of that, we are currently being messed with and conditioned and socio-engineered in ways we cannot even fathom.

We have been fed programs through schools, movies, media, and religion that sell a reality that simply isn't aligned with our natural state and doesn't lend to a happy, healthy, and empowered life.

Mind control isn't a theory, it's an open-source practice.

And that's where I get excited 🙂

Because I used to, like most people, buy into the doom and gloom of it all...

...but as of late, after my experiences, I've realized all of this programming is just programming. It's powerful. And it's pathetic.

It's only a thought form combined with crystallized emotional composites, it can be dissolved rapidly in the sanctity of your own heart.

You can take an individual and in a very short time free them with the technology of your own mind body and heart.

DNA can be switched on and off, your consciousness is the key.

It's so easy you'll laugh when you actually start to see it.

It's a cosmic joke, anyone can be free, the key is right inside of you.

And if a 5 year-old boy staring into the sun could figure it out in half a life-time, then imagine what else is possible when more people figure it out?

I believe we are at the precipice of a mass awakening event of biblical proportions.

That's the work I'm doing, and why I do it.

Awareness is the first step to any healing.

Everything returns to its source.

There is a primordial way of being, and we are all returning to it.

I believe the mass de-programming of our consciousness is the greatest challenge and opportunity before us today.

My point in this whole article is this.

If in your heart you feel a similar calling to mine.

If your path has led you through a similar journey of awakening, and you've been able to return to some resemblance of a natural and wholesome life in this crazy world.

You likely are over-looking how valuable you are.

If you know how to...

  • Actually live harmoniously with your spouse and children and create art & beauty and harmony around you.

  • How to have a sane and loving relationship and meaningful friendships.

  • Effortlessly stay healthy and heal disease.

  • Connect to your creativity and intuition and live life on your own terms.

  • Live sustainably with nature

  • How to actually bring up children into healthy and free-thinking adults.

  • Turn your passions into a way of life.

  • If you have any skill that is creative that brings joy to people's lives.

  • How to heal trauma.

  • If you can assist birthing children naturally.

  • If you know how to be a parent and stay sane.

  • If you have deep esoteric knowledge or spiritual wisdom that holds keys to a more expansive existence

  • If you've been through a major ordeal and dark night of the soul that has caused you to change your life for the better.


  • If you have mastered any area of life whereby you now have peace and abundance in an area where others normally struggle.


  • If you've been through massive pain in your life because you believed in mass conditioning, and then went your own way


  • You've been suicidal but actually want to live now.


  • You're passionate about anything and actually enjoy life.

If you could say YES to ANY one of these things above.

Do you have any idea how valuable you are?

99.99% of people on this planet do not know how to do any of those things.

99.99% of people are living lives with programming being piped into them 24/7, wondering why their lives aren't working, silently begging for someone to come and shake them out of their trance with your presence.

People are dying to hear you speak, to hear you share what you have to share.

If you're not already, then why are you not sharing your gift and leaning into it fully?

I'll tell you.

You're likely hiding, like I was, for years.

And I'm writing this article in hopes that it hits you upside the head like a spiritual alarm clock.

It's time to wake up and do what you've come here to do.

Stop fucking around, you know your soul has been asking you to stand up, speak, share your message, and assist others during this process.

Do you think you need a special skill or a certificate from an external governing body so you're finally ready to go out there and do it? (most people do, by the way, it's a very clever control program.)

You are brilliant.

You are ready.

The authority is inside of you.

You were born to be wild.

You've known it in your bones your entire life.

You've lived in a world that has tried to suppress and oppress you your entire life and none of it has been able to shake the foundation of your being.

You're still out there dancing, singing, loving this life, and laughing at it all because you know it's a cosmic joke.

That is strength and that is power.

People like you sharing with others how to come back to themselves is the future of education on our planet. To do this, you do not need a product, you do not need a "niche", a marketing funnel, or any of the crap you think you might need, you need your voice, and your willingness to just sit and be with people.

This mass awakening isn't going to happen with a lightning bolt hitting Earth and unlocking all our DNA all at once.

• Note for future self: If that happens I'll gladly eat my words.

It's going to happen through you getting off your ass and sharing your truest gift and offering with others.

(Watch my video on the "Circle of Embrace" here to get a deeper look at how you can create your most powerful offering without any of those things.)

Let me put it a bit more poetically before I sign off...

You know that 98% "junk" inactive DNA?

I don't think it's junk, I think it's scrambled.

And you have a piece of that jigsaw puzzle to put things back into balance.

You have a piece of the primordial code.

You were born with it.

Play your piece.


. Unleash Your Full Wild Potential

I offer deep mentoring and support.

I can assist you with clearing the crap preventing you from being who you really are, so you can do what you were born to do, and have the life you've always sensed was possible.

If that's your cup of tea, then I'm your huckle-berry, watch this video to see how I can help, and book a call with me here.

Inside of all of us, there is a reluctant and powerful giant.

The giant has been sleeping with one eye open.

With that half-open lazy eye, the giant looks at the world and complains and wishes for things to be different.

But the giant doesn't want to wake up, it doesn't want to do the real work. The giant is a little pissed off with him or herself, and they don't want to admit it.

The giant knows it's time to wake up and kick ass, but is afraid of what that would mean, and ultimately he's scared of his own power.

So the giant makes excuses.

"There's not enough time, not enough money, not now, it wouldn't be polite, I don't know how, maybe one day, it's his or her fault, I can't, I'll wait a little longer, I'm not sure, it's actually okay the way it is, I'm at peace with things as they are."

But he knows they're all lies, because he knows that deep down he's just afraid.

For eons he's been programmed to believe that if he were to step into his own power, terrible things would happen.

He would be punished.

Others will abandon him.

Others might get hurt.

He has been programmed and bullied into believing that his power is wrong somehow, that it's the scourage of the Earth, and it better be left in other more capable hands... he has willfully given away his authority to others.

...after all, it's safer to give your power to them, lest you upset too many apple carts, right?

It is a brilliant control mechanism that turns even the strongest hero into a willing slave in a prison in which he is the inmate, the key holder, the prison cell, the guard, and the prosecutor.

The giant doesn't want to wake up because it's comfortable in the slumber.'s uncomfortable to face reality.'s uncomfortable to look yourself in the eyes and see the consequences of your own absence in your life.'s uncomfortable to stand up, speak up, and face the consequences of not having been there for yourself.

The giant knows that waking up would mean facing great discomfort, even danger. he sleeps and feels tired because it takes an enormous amount of energy to suppress this power.

...but the Giant Must Wake Up.

And the key is being uncomfortable.

Being willing to be very uncomfortable.

Very, very, very profoundly okay with uncomfortable.

Safe with speaking out, upsetting others, asking questions, being abandoned, feeling difficult emotions, and most importantly not even believing your own mind.

Through that fire, the spell that keeps the giant sleeping comes undone.

The giant stands up and in doing so wakes up other giants and reminds them of who they are.

...even if it pisses them off first.

And then things get interesting...

Beyond that, I don't know what happens, because that story has never been told.

So go do it.

Go and beat your drum.

Immerse yourself in your deepest work and your cosmic passion.

Go get damn uncomfortable, and make others uncomfortable.

Go and beat your drum.

Have the balls to be free.

Be the wild force of lightning channeled into action that shakes up your own slumber and sends rocks flying down the mountain that used to be your body.

Difficult truths will be seen and spoken. Apple carts will be upset.

Shitty habits will meet a bitter end.

Projects you've been scared to do or commit to fully will finally be done.

Pages will be ripped out of books and pinned up on the fridge with magnets.

Priests and politicians will be fired from your mind.

Real deep friends and allies will appear.

Adequate water will be drank.

You will move.

Your body will rest and heal.

Wishful thinking will be replaced with courage.

You'll look someone in the eyes and tell them that you love them and mean it like you've never meant it before.

You will be afraid, you will be alone, and you'll love it as you'll finally have time to do the real work your soul has been craving to do.

...and you might do something crazy...

Come home to yourself and live.

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