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Embracing Massive Discomfort as a Good Thing

No one breaks through to the other side by staying the same, doing the same things, and thinking the same way.

If you're doing something new, if you're pioneering a new idea, a vision, or taking a leap of faith in a new direction in your life...

...and you're feeling massively uncomfortable, filled with anxiety on a daily basis even.


Celebrate it.

I salute you.

I don't know about you, but the past month of my life has been immensely uncomfortable... I have invoked massive change in my life (moving across a continent, and taking many leaps of faith towards bold new projects and directions.)

I'm living life very close to my edge right now... and beautiful things are starting to show up.

However, throughout time, I've felt (and continue to feel) massive discomfort, and what's been getting me through is this reminder:

Massive discomfort is usually a sign that you're in the "river of change", it means you're changing.

Change is good.

Keep moving forward.

Keep breathing.

Your old identity is falling apart, good.

You're in the eye of the storm.

"Safety", "structure", all of it seems to be falling away, you're staring the unknown in the face

Good. Embrace this as your new identity, it will fuel you.

"I take pride in being comfortable being uncomfortable", I've made that my mantra.

Feel free to steal that and make that your mantra too, it will be the boat that carries you to where you're going.

Stay in that boat.

It's okay for things to be messy as you try new things.

It's okay to struggle during this time.

The important thing is to keep going and trust the original vision and inspiration you had that set you off on this path.

It may seem messy right now, there may be more questions and answers, and your finances might be on the edge.

Don't make it wrong, if you make it wrong it will slow down the process or spin you out into fear and anxiety overwhelm.

It's all happening for you to help you.

"Good, damn good." is the magic phrase you need in response to every seeming set-back or overwhelming challenge

Keep saying yes.

Don't grasp for structure and clarity.

The deeper clarity and structures will emerge, it's not time for that now.

Right now it's time to keep walking, one foot in front of the other.

Focus on the joy of creation, inspiration, passion, and keep going.

Ask for help, non-stop.

Follow your intuition, and reach out to those who you think could help.

Sometimes advice is helpful, keep what resonates, and ignore the rest.

Sometimes a hug is helpful.

Sometimes just knowing you're not alone and not totally crazy is helpful.

Sleep, get plenty of rest, journal daily, get it all out on paper, remove distractions relentlessly, remove addictions and toxic people from your life, and stay in the fire.

You live in a friendly Universe.

Even if it looks like everything right now isn't supporting you, it is.

The important thing is to keep coming back to the vision, keep saying yes to the experience, and keep praying a silent "thank you" with every occurrence and every breath, and you will arrive.

Change is good :-)


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