This recent picture contains everything I currently own.
It wasn't always like this, a decade ago I lived a very different life...
"If I'm still living my life like this 3 years from now, I'm going to kill myself," I thought to myself as I was driving on a rainy winter day in Canada, some 14 years ago.
The thought startled me awake out of my highway trance.
"Did I just think that?"
Apparently I did.
That thought was the beginning of a new chapter in my life.
There was no hiding from it anymore, everything had to change.
There was nothing particularly off about my life, by all normal standards things were well...
We had money, I was a successful entrepreneur and I was living in a comfortable home with my then partner and 12-month-old daughter.
Except... everything was wrong, and I knew it.
I felt like I was living a box life, a total lie.
I wasn't living who I knew I really was inside.
Every day was the same.
I would wake up in a box.
I lived in my comfortable box home.
I worked from my box at home and sat in front of a box to do my work.
To get food, I would get into a box to drive to a box store to buy more boxes that had food in them and drive back to my box home to sleep.
I had acquaintances, but no real deep and meaningful friendships, and all of them lived in box homes too.
Our box homes were far apart, separated by long drives, and our lives so full and busy that to see my "friends" I would have to call them and set up an appointment with them and jot the time and date into a box in a calendar.
I worked in my box every day... all just to do what? To continue this existence?
Nothing but boxes, day in and day out.
A quiet gray pain, everything was seemingly okay on the outside, but my soul was screaming in agony on the inside.
I escaped into my spirituality and connection with the divine, but after a while, even that voice told me there would be no respite unless I took action.
From deep inside I could hear the faint sound of my heart calling me as if from the bottom of a well saying "There is more, there is another way to live!"
I started obsessing about it, I didn't know when or how but I knew something big was coming, a huge change.
Watching the movie "Avatar" just put fuel on the fire, that scene where Jake Sully becomes a new being and starts living in the wild... breathing fresh air, riding strange beasts, hunting for his food, and drinking clean air from the dew drops of tropical leaves...
...In that moment I just knew that was the life I wanted to live.
I couldn't find another planet to escape to, but this kind of place had to exist.
At first, I tried to discharge this madness by getting creative and thought I'd just become a farmer at home and build my new planet in my backyard...
I got into bio-domes and started building one out of lumber from home-depot in our yard.
(This was the 40' Biodome, it towered above all the other houses in the area.)
The city officials didn't like it and told me to tare it down.
That was it, the last straw, I knew I wasn't going to live in a place where a man needed permission to build a bloody green-house and grow his own food.
("Had I known about sovereignty back then it would have been a different story")
One day while watching a YouTube channel, I saw a man inviting people to join a community down in Vilcabamba Ecuador...
I was scared, but I just knew I had to go.
I had never heard of Ecuador, I booked our tickets for the two of us and our little girl to check it out for one month.
One month turned into thirteen years.
Arriving in Ecuador was like going to a new planet, everything was different, the climate was warm, the people were alive, the nature was spectacular...
...Vilcabamba, Ecuador was where I finally learned to live.
The box life I knew ended overnight, and a completely new life began.
A life full of nature, outdoor living, evening campfires, UFO sightings and close encounters, waterfalls, rivers, Ayahuasca ceremonies, healing, adventure, epic food, dancing, and most of all... profoundly meaningful friendships and connections.
A day hasn't gone by where I didn't step outside my door-step and spent an unforgettable day with people I loved.
Not one day, and without highways or appointments.
The type of friendships that are still with me, and will be with me forever, the friends you can truly count on through thick and thin, the type of friends who I know I'll be with when they're on their death-beds, and the ones I know will be with me when I go.
For me, this chapter of life was one where every day was spent focusing on the most important questions of life:
"Who am I? How am I showing up? Is this the real me?"
Over thirteen years I stripped away everything that wasn't me, stepped into my power, found my voice, and launched many projects that moved the world.
I met three of the deepest and most life-altering loves of my life, I learned how to be a man, how to show up for a woman, how to not compromise in a relationship and how to continue to believe in love even when all you want to do is close down.
The wild of Latin America brings with it so much more than just rainbows, my life was also fraught with intensity and challenge.
My family has been through Earthquakes, violence, separation, loss, and horrible atrocities...
Ecuador taught me how to be strong in the darkest of times, how to never give up on those who I love, and how to have the courage to heal and love even in the hardest of times.
Tears of gratitude pour down my face as I write this letter, this period of life changed me forever.
I feel like I lived 6 lives in the span of one decade, I could fill a book (and maybe I will)
I'm writing and sharing this in hopes that it will inspire you.
Because if there is one thing I've learned through this time.
It is that life has so much more to offer you.
You just have to do what you're afraid to do. Period.
Take a leap of faith, then rinse and repeat, life will take care of the rest.
I am not the man I was 14 years ago driving from whole foods on that rainy day to my box - that man had no clue what life could be.
I've become a god-loving wild savage with an open heart capable of moving mountains and doing impossibly hard things.
I magnetize deep friendships and connections wherever I go, love follows me as I walk my path, because I'm not scared to lose it.
Tarantulas, snakes, and people with guns don't scare me anymore, I'm ready to die with no regrets.
But you want to know what scares me?
Staying the same, and not loving as fully and deeply as I can, not sharing what is my heart with the world.
That's why a couple months ago, I did one of the hardest things I've ever done...
I climbed a mountain one morning, got to the top, and through a tearful goodbye, just knew it was time to go.
I left, for good.
It gave me everything it had to give, I knew if I stayed I would stagnate.
What's calling me now is a new frontier: Sailing, a life on the Ocean, global adventure, sharing my real message, and embracing fatherhood more deeply as I'm facing the challenges of fathering my teenage daughter in Spain.
I'm having to get out of my comfort zone again, big time.
I won't lie to you, it's challenging as hell.
This transition has been harder than I ever expected.
We are two months away from our first sailing voyage in Greece with Sail the Stars, everything in my life is changing, and there have been many unforeseen challenges.
Sometimes my mind freaks out on me for leaving everything behind and embracing the unknown... what the hell are you doing uprooting your whole life like this?
... that's when I pat myself on the back and remind myself that I'm one wild man doing things that would terrify me years ago.
The alternative is staying the same, and that's not an option.
Don't relent.
If you have a vision or a calling, follow it.
And if you've been in something sweet for a long time, and you know it's time to go... let go... it can't take you to where you need to go anymore, and you're doing yourself and everyone else a disservice by hanging on.
You deserve to be free.
They deserve to be free.
The world needs the free you.
Your mind can only imagine what it's losing and leaving behind, it cannot imagine what's on the other side of that leap.
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all.